My Mom is drawing... because the crow is grass. Here is the picture: Awww... sweet! Hahahaha! My Mom says "Scary!" No.... sweet! It's...
Cognitive Skills - English
Yesterday, I came home and I saw the mail - Workshop for Cognitive Skills My Pamma and Mom together present for me! Yay! Word Formation...
English - Video
Speech Therapy - English
Speech Therapy - yeah! Intangibles! It's hard work! Give an example of something painful. No idea. Ouch! That good! But no. The teacher...
Workbook for Aphasia
Workbook for Aphasia - that is good! 2 years ago, I was therapy Lichterfelde West - Sara Vella - english therapy. Sara Vella I Workbook...
Logo - English
Hi! I'm Heather. Today I worked for Logo. Sentenced: himself, itself, herself. A little hard, because biting, bit, bited... hard work....
Spotify - English
Winter is cold and freezy. Spotify is good. For FREE! Commericial, but oh well. For FREEEEEE! I have Samsung Phone, iPad and MacBook Air....
Cuppa Tea! English
Winter is cold and cranky. Cuppa Tea! Yes! English tea - I show you: Boil the water! Black Tea - Yorkshire Tea or PG Tips or Tetley. The...
Good Omens - English
“God does not play dice with the universe; He plays an ineffable game of His own devising, which might be compared, from the perspective...
English - Tuesday the 13th
Greeks is Tuesday the 13th is bad luck... Wikipedia says: (...) The Greeks also consider Tuesday (and especially the 13th) an unlucky...